Source Code


very good doing something.2) tearing shit up

Don't fuck wit me dog, i get surgical.
Let's roll past this nigga's house cuz i got my shotty and you know i get surgical wit this shit.

by swizz April 21, 2003

24👍 13👎


When a kid does not feel like doing his work in class so turns the sheet he is writing on over, writes a number to a problem down that is far past where he is originally, and writes fakeout on the top of the sheet.
The teacher never notices the word and congradulates the student for being so dilligent with his work.

Background: 1 of the swizzle brothers.

J Bizzle Swizzle pulled a fakeout yesterday in math class, Mrs. Cardontknowhowtoteach thought he really did his work.

by swizz February 21, 2005

6👍 22👎

fiddy cent

american currency that can't really buy that much stuff.

Yo i wanna comp those new Jordans but all i got is fiddy cents.

by swizz April 21, 2003

28👍 19👎



let me take you to the utha side

by swizz January 19, 2003

11👍 4👎