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Spiro is a piece of a hobo and dick when I play with him all he wants to play is suck my little homo penis aka Gta Spiro is also so gay for nick and wants to lick his ass juice all night long because he's homeless and can't afford to drive anything else when he is shirtless it blinds the whole city so the city has to go into lock down mode because of his fat ass he's so fat that when he jumped into a pool all the water absorbed into his big fat ass that when you weight will say your moms phone number and tats why his mom sleeps with so many guys and so many guys know his moms phone number but in one word Spiro is a fat ass hoe

you can go suck a fat Spiro

by tabs.1414 May 26, 2019

Parham Daniel Debozourgie

Parham is a weak tiny peice of horse ass who lives in his moms closet doing crack. He won the guiness world record for biggest amount of puke in his mouth, and for the wimpiest kid on the planet, all thanks to his fatass brother who weighs 20000 pounds. Parham suffers from idiot diasese, and is currently dating his grandma who is in acoma. He has aids from his fish, and sucks ass at fortnite and gta. He has a voice tumor and his forhead is as big as brothers ass. Parham is as weak as a twig and does cock a doodles doo all night with his grandmas friends at the old age home in the chess room. Note: This is only about the Parham Daniel Debozourgie.

Parham Daniel Debozourgie eats poo poo

by tabs.1414 May 21, 2019

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