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(Frontloading) is the practice of some governmental agencies or companies to invite more traffic than they could handle or deliver. In the case of companies it might be a deliberate policy or merely an accidental outcome. If it is deliberate it could be called bait and switch.

Without realizing it the store, not knowing how popular the new Ipod would be was guilty of Frontloading by viture of not having enough supplies at hand to supply demand.

by talbotboy1 October 22, 2010

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Sidewalk stewardess

A street walker prostitute

She was no woman of virtue she was a sidewalk stewardess whoรขย€ย™ been around the block for often than the mailman!

by talbotboy1 March 2, 2020

taking it in trade

(Taking it in trade) when a woman uses her sexual favors to discharge a debt or to aquire consumer items. This differs from prostitution since it involes no moeny and is not offfered to the public at large but to a specific creditor or store merchent.

The lovely young woman having squandeered her paycheck on new clothes had no money left to pay her landlord therefore she offered her landlord the option oof (Taking it in trade) by her spending the night with him.

by talbotboy1 October 21, 2010