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A Little Bitch

Also known as Little Bitch Syndrome, or LBS. Having Little Bitch Syndrome causes difficulties to operate as a functioning human being and results in one running away from problems, deeming them a little fucking bitch.

Here are some signs of being a Little Bitch
1. Inability to understand other peoples feelings, concerns, and opinions
2. Indirectly calls one out due to fear of that one's intentions
3. Bringing up one's past to counter another's argument
4. Refuses or avoids settling an argument in person
5. Won't admit their/ a mutuals wrongdoing
These are only a few signs of LBS. If you know anyone with any of these characteristics, tell them they are a little bitch.

friend 1: "He said he was going to beat my ass. He wouldn't even come talk to me face to face about when I told him to do it."
friend 2: "That's because he's a little bitch."

by talkingfaxmachine September 21, 2021

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