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Stuart’s are very chill and cool. They don’t see the difference between children and adults, and openly swear to kiddos.

Tom: Ya know, life’s a bitch
Student: Why are you being such a Stuart?

by tehrealjams May 30, 2019

9👍 5👎


A funny and nice girl. She is a good friend, but can get very loud. She likes boys that wear hats.

Hey, do you know Ankitha?
Yeah! She likes that kid in the snow hat!

by tehrealjams May 30, 2019

21👍 8👎


Ethan’s think they are very normal and are not weird. When people do funny or weird things, he gives them a stare. He also likes to stretch and struggles on taking stuff from his backpack. He can also harass girls.

You know that Ethan over there, he’s so mean!
What did he do?
He keeps calling me weird for laughing at his ass!

by tehrealjams May 30, 2019

November 6th

National Dentist Appointment day. go to the dentist and give em a big hug!

Hey, u going to the dentist 2day?
Yeah! It's November 6th.

by tehrealjams October 16, 2019

4👍 4👎


Arjuns are very different people. They like smart people and think they are very cool. They also ask a lot of weird questions.

Kid: Hey, is this sprinkle bread vegetarian?
Other kid: Hey, why you being an Arjun?

by tehrealjams May 30, 2019


A word for people who cannot spell 'what' properly
Also a combination of woah and what, showing confusion and amazement

Have you seen Mr. Smith's new beard he grew overnight??

by tehrealjams November 18, 2019

2👍 2👎


An Indian name meaning "faith in God". People who are named Aastha are very funny, usually intelligent, and can always cheer a friend up.

Person 1: Hey, have you met Aastha yet?
Person 2: No, but I have heard that she's super funny! Can't wait to see her!

by tehrealjams September 8, 2019

65👍 6👎