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Metal is a loud angry form of music that came into being when angry white people stole guitar scales from the blues. It can be characterized by loud distorted guitars, loud drums, and generaly campy lyrics. Music is a fairly varied genre adn consists of my sub-genres the were created in an atempt to stay underground and avoid the fate that always befall underground music the gains popularity (for example in its most popular prime metal unfortunatly spawned poison).here are some sub-genres:
heavy metal started it all, so it desrves respect, that said there isn't much realy heavy about it, just loud blues inspired rock
NWOBHM as above, but becoming more recognizable as metal
Power Metal Super Campy, Mildly Homo Erotic.... but you gotta' respect the skill.
Gothic Metal goth themes and vocals + watered down metal backing = Gothic Metal
symphonic metal metal with pianos violins and choruses thrown in for.
Death Metal low syncopated guitar parts, blast-beats, gurgling rasping vocals, and gore obsessed lyrics.
Black Metal loud fast guitars (not as down tuned as DeathMetal), blast-beats, shrieking vocals, corpse paint, and shitty production
Nu Metal the bastard child of the metal community, very comercial, but not all bad. encorperates rap. Fans are really the only annoying thing.
progressive metal long, varied, songs and heavy influence from other genres.
Doom Metal Slow, heavy, depressive metal with 8+ minute songs.
stoner doom metal downer fueled doom metal.
glam metal super campy metal in drag
metalcore new version of nu metal, just as comercial. fans just as annoying. basicaly emo with metal guitar. metalcore musicians have talent, but no heart. Still... one of the most popular kinds of metal. Also Band names must be at least 3 words long.
thrash metal loud fast metal with dark lyrical themes and fast complex guitar, however thrash metal still retains classic rock vocal style.
speed metal NWOBHM, but faster.
Deathcore emo inspired Death Metal, with leass anger and gore. Mostly found on Myspace.

heavy metal- Led Zepplin, Black Sabbath
NWOBHM- Iron Maiden, Motorhead
gothic metal- Lacuna Coil, Paradise Lost
Symphonic Metal- Dimmu Borgir, Emperor
Death Metal- Suffocation, Dying Fetus
Black Metal- 1349, Mayhem
Nu Metal-Korn, Mudvayne
Doom Metal- Candlemass, Funeral
Stoner Doom- Down, Soilent Green
glam metal- twisted sister, motley crue
metalcore-All That Remains, Every Time I Die
thrash metal-Megadeth, Slayer
speed metal- Judas Priest, Venom
Deathcore-Job for a Cowboy, Glass Casket

by tehxsikkest April 6, 2007

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