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Something that is the opposite of Ninja. uncool or not great because a puppy, thought he was cool, interrupted a game of Arnold Palmer

A: yo your efforts in Arnold Palmer were puppy!
T: thats why i have W-E-L!

by tepdoes October 22, 2008

1👍 11👎


when one is high and in his love for ninja calls shit that is cool this adjective.

yo that dig was ninja!
I no man it was so unpuppy!

by tepdoes October 22, 2008



(1)To act like a political puppet and bow to the wants and needs of New Jersey political boss George Norcross.

(2) To make decisions without being qualified.
(3) To totally screw upp
(4) To cause extreme harm
(5) To make a boneheaded move.
(6) To not think for one's self, rather to make decisions to appease political benefactors.

Word is derived from NJ Senator Steve Sweeney.

NJ Senator Steve Sweeney is trying to sweeneyfy Rutgers University.

by tepdoes June 6, 2014


A game when people take turns throwing ping pong balls at each others backs. The first person to quit loses. When the pong balls are dipped in water they hurt worst than you think, btw.

A: ooooo man your welt formed a red lump instantly
T: I know man my love-handles make good targets!

by tepdoes October 23, 2008

4👍 17👎