Source Code


to land a sweet trick.

You should have seen me nail that 360.

by terrorist March 5, 2005

162👍 92👎


Being attacked by terrorists.

We was terrroristerized in 2001

by terrorist February 4, 2005

4👍 4👎


'Anyone who is not with us.' Anyone producing 'weapons of mass production.' Anyone who does not agree entirely with Shrub. Anyone who thinks the U.S.A. needs a regime change(which we do.) Anyone who likes the "CT" shrub. Due to the patriot acts, anyone can be a terrorist, and can be held for an undefined length of time, with no trial, without any consideration to the Geneva Convention, or the Constitution.

The Frenchman was considered a terrorist, because he was not completely with the United States.

by terrorist May 11, 2003

941👍 949👎

stuck it

what you say after landing a trick on a skateboard, snowboard, etc.

Did you see me nail that trick. I stuck it.

by terrorist March 5, 2005

15👍 5👎