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small feeble being. You can eat it yum !

Guy 1: What is that dude
Guy 2: Dude... That's one sexy being, I want to eat it.
Guy 1: Must be a cat yum !

by tessalover101 May 27, 2022



Guy 1: who the hell is that
Guy 2: she looks yummy, must be an ybur.
Guy 1: I call dibs yum yum

by tessalover101 May 27, 2022


a sexy beast, if you ever see a tessa, your eyes will be blinded by her sexyness.

wow, look at tessa. She's such a SEXY BEAUTIFUL BEAST.

by tessalover101 May 27, 2022


The sexiest of all beings

"Woah.. look at her, she must be a tessa" "approved dude, what a tessaticle."

by tessalover101 June 8, 2022