Source Code


A process for testing things

This is a test message

by tester June 8, 2004

458👍 250👎


Committing the act of anal penetration, with a penis, without the use lubricant. Ejamming is exclusively limited to the homosexual variant: wherein the act occurs between two men.

Hey big boy, wanna do some Ejamming?

Picking up planted quarters on the street in this district will lead to you getting Ejammmed.

by tester June 10, 2005

6👍 3👎


An onomatopoeia relating to the sound of rythmic sexual thunder claps due to the violent collisions between a man and woman, or the quick faint rythmic souncs of male masturbatinon.

Rick stood stunned by the bathroom door when he heared a faint fapfapfap instead of running water.

by tester February 26, 2005

601👍 220👎