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One of three Greek words for Maximum, or the most of, largest amount of....etc.
May be interpreted as Maximus (different translations vary.)
In Latin this work usually means; close to god, or one with god, very godly.
This name was usually reserved for semi-official positions around 100bc-300ad to point them out as greater, or bigger than their peers. much like a Mayor or similar today.
Used in all four christian gospels as the name of Judas the Greater(not the Iscariot, or one who handed Jesus over to die) as way of respect.

shhhit dawg, that dude had some thaddeus moves on the court.

dayummm, these speakers are turned up to the thad man.

That Thaddeus boy has like golden threads, a true thaddeus, fo sho.

by thaddeusboyz December 5, 2008

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