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When a person named "Alex" takes no Ls.

-Hey, my bro Awex won the match again!
-His name is Awex?
-Yeah, because he doesn't take ANY fucking Ls.

by that_one_russian_hat June 20, 2021


A small town located in the country of Macedonia.

In demographics, it is mainly Macedonian, with a decent amount of Aromanians/Vlachs. In geography, the town is mainly surrounded by forests and is fairly mountainous.
The town also has historical significance as it was an independent country for about 10 days in 1903, formed by the organization IMRO/VRMO (The Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization). The reason it was declared was due to the self identified Macedonian Slavs in the area wanting to separate from the Ottoman Empire. This prompted uprisings throughout the area, known as the Ilinden Uprising. Unfortunately, these efforts would only be short lasted because many of the people in IMRO/VMRO would end up killed by Ottoman forces.

There is a monument in the town called "Ilinden" which is dedicated to the fighters from the uprising in 1903, as well as fighters who fought against axis forces (Mainly against Bulgaria) in Macedonia during World War II. It was opened in 1974 and the building itself is round in shape with stained glass windows. Outside the building, there is an amphitheater with mosaics.
Overall, the town is significant to Macedonian history but is sometimes overlooked.

Kruševo has an interesting history

by that_one_russian_hat August 23, 2021