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Mallory is a kind ,talented,artist who is sometimes nice. Mallory loves sweet and salty foods. Mallorys bsf is emmy.

mallory: hey emmy


by thatmotherfuckinbitch February 9, 2019


i hope your snake ass gets reported

eww, its that snake ass bitch aniyah

by thatmotherfuckinbitch February 9, 2019

3👍 45👎


A great friend when you get to know her.She is very nice,kind,and pretty. She does not talk about people behind their back unlike other ''freinds'' . She is a very good at music.ly's. she is real funny , and weird in a good way. She is creative .

Maddi: yeet yeet emmy and mallory : yoyo

by thatmotherfuckinbitch February 9, 2019


a weird gap toothed little boi who is in love with mallory

justice: hey mallory!
mallory: ew, get away from me.

by thatmotherfuckinbitch February 9, 2019