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George W. Bush

1. A failure as a president and person. 2. A man more worried about his legacy, then his country. 3. A Religious Fanatic who believes God speaks with him personally. 4. A man who feels it is okay to hate people born different, because somewhere in the Bible it claims this (Which it doesn't.) 4. A former coke-head that become a Born-Again in the hope that his past would be forgotten. 5. An American president that lied to his own nation in order to create 2 separate wars in 2 different oil-rich nations. Wars that have cost almost 1 Trillion American dollars as of late 2007. 6. A raciest man who seemed to ignore poor-people-of-color after Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans. 7. A rich Oil-Tycoon who has spent his presidency campaigning against American's having Universal Health care, against stem cell research and preventing homosexuals from getting married. 7. A president that turned the unity of the world that developed towards America after the attacks of September 11, 2001, into hatred after he chose to invade Iraq, based on bogues, cooked up intelligence. 8. A Warmonger.

George W. Bush has damaged America for many years to come.

by the2ndflood November 2, 2007

628πŸ‘ 153πŸ‘Ž

Nips Up

1. A woman with breast implants that are so large that the nipples face upwards, instead of straight out. 2. A woman with huge nipples and areola's.

That model Francine Dee is hot, but she has Nips Up!

by the2ndflood March 11, 2008

17πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Nipple Cleavage

1. When only the bottom of a woman's breasts are exposed. 2. When a woman is wearing a shirt that comes "UP" to the center of her nipples. 3. Also know and Bottom-Breasts. (Down-Shirt cleavage does not count as Nipple Cleavage.

I saw a MILF at the beach that was showing so much Nipple Cleavage, that I almost passed out!

by the2ndflood February 21, 2008

15πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Firetruck Pussy

Simply means a woman's pussy that looks like it was hit with a Firetruck.

Paris Hilton has the worst Firetruck Pussy I have ever seen! Her up skirt photos made one of my teeth fall out!

by the2ndflood March 12, 2008

48πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Juwanna Black

1. A White man or woman that so desperately wants to be Black, that they only date Black men and women, and speak Ebonics. Also known as a Poser.

I saw this hot ass white chick at the club last night, but she said I was too white for her. I hate Juwanna Black chicks!

by the2ndflood March 4, 2008

20πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Juwanna Black

1. A White man or woman that so desperately wants to be Black, that they only date Black men and women, and speak Ebonics. Also known as a Poser.

I saw this hot ass white chick at the club last night, but she said I was too white for her. I hate Juwanna Black chicks!

by the2ndflood March 4, 2008

8πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Object to Life

1. A person that gets so mad at an inanimate object that they wish it was alive, just so they could kill it.

I stubbed my toe on that f***ing table again! If I had one wish, I would wish that f***ing Object to Life so I could f***ing kill it!

by the2ndflood September 22, 2007

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž