An ingenious program designed by Blizzard created to keep people from doing imprtant things in life, like eating, sleeping, and going to work. They do this in hope of killing all of the subscribers, while being paid to do so. This will provide many job openings and prevent the creation of babies. With less people in the world less oil, electricity, and water will be needed. Thats when Blizzard invades Canada. As we all know is the most powerful country on this planet. with control of Canada they will continue to seize the rest of North America. They shall then use Canadas many Nuclear Warheads to slowly but surley bomb the rest of the world. They shall now enslave the rest of the world. All because of the wonderful game called WoW.
WoW player- "Hey, ever thought of playing World of Warcraft?" Reader of this definition- "......... I'd rather not..."
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