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dumpster dive

a hunt for garbage piles, garbage cans & garbage bins, and loot for (buried?) treasure.

go at your own risk.

Mark: "Sally and Jamie and I are going on a (dumpster) dive this afternoon."

Mike: "REALLY? Can i come too??"

Mark: "No."

by the_planarian May 12, 2005

8👍 4👎

dumpster dip

Originally created by Drillpoint's BITTER1, this term has come to mean to include the act of passing by a large garbage pile by pure chance and finding something really cool that is still in decent shape, taking it home, cleaning it up & basically acquiring free goods.

Mark: "Wow! I scored this AWESOME dumpster dip today!"

Jamie: "Is that some kind of ice cream?"

Mark: "Clueless..."

by the_planarian May 11, 2005