some moron (or whore) who spends way too much time on the internet and can't spell the word "intercourse"
someone: and he told me to call it "sexual intercorse" to sound hot typing to girls
sometwo: bro its "intercourse" how the fuck you gonna get a girl
somethree: lol yeah dude, just watch bdsm, ur into that
someone: dudes. fts i wanna get pegged
Thirteen if you remove the first and last letter. Its an easy way to say something unlucky has happened to you instead of saying: "I had a ridiculously bad day and I was incredibly unlucky.".
Person 1: You look pretty upset, Person 2. What happened?
Person 2: I just went through a hirtee. A bucket fell on my head and I nearly got trapped in a ladder. To top it off, I got banned from TikTok.
Person 1: Oh. Get some ice.