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Lawrence is a city located in Massachusetts. Lawrence is a rather large city, and rather loud. It is impossible to sleep without hearing at least 7 cars drive down your street with their radio on 99 and tuned into rap music. There is a superb amount of hills, which is not good as nearly everybody drives a junk car from 1990 which would probably flip over when it approaches a hill. Lawrence is known for its guns and gangs, which is why Lawrence was rated the most dangerous city in Massachusetts in 2007. 75% of the population cannot speak English and cannot seem to be able to wear a hat without wearing it backwards. The city of Lawrence is also very well known for its cheapness. There are cracked sidewalks and rotten telephone poles everywhere you look, making it one of the best places to live if you are homeless. Lawrence would make a great stop if you are ever in Massachusetts one day simply to admire the extremely bad quality of the city, but make sure you bring a phone to dial 911 and some bulletproof vests when you go into a liquor store! If you every move to Lawrence, you will quickly move out into the higher quality, much more peaceful city of Methuen right next door. We can guarantee it.

Bill, I heard there is a great gun shop in that gangsta city, Lawrence.

by thebaystateguy November 28, 2011

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