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A person who clicks on everything in sight and ends up being an unpaid FB employee because they load so many ads.

That clickmonkey loards more ads than NBC

by thechurchfodave February 26, 2022


A topicjacker is a person who comes into a discussion about a specific topic and hijacks the conversation with irrelevant and usually inflammatory ideas or assertions.

We had a nice little exchange going about the idea of non religious ethics when a flaming topicjacker came in and attempted to make the entire discussion about bible verses.

by thechurchfodave December 15, 2010


3 uses.

1. Impervious to fame. As in doesn't let popularity go to one's head. A

celebrity who doesn't act like a celebrity. Not pompous, stuck up or


2. Unable to achieve fame. Such as someone who is so devoid of

talent, class, standing or ability that they will never achieve fame.

3. Someone who is so beyond the norm as to be beyond the aptitude

of fame. Someone who is too controversial, too far out, too beyond

the average to get accepted in the main stream. This would be the

opposite of the 2nd usage in that the assumption here would be that

this person has too MUCH talent to be famous, as opposed to too


Use 1. George Cluny is so care free an easy going it's almost like he is


Use 2. That talentless hack was so bad in that movie he is completely


Use 3. ScaryDAve of thechurchofdave on youtube is so over the top,

profane and real he is completely fameproof since no one is going

to put that guy where he could upset a sponsor or the FCC!

by thechurchfodave July 19, 2009

Gut Monkey

A human fetus in the womb as seen from outside. The large swollen area of a woman who is far into a pregnancy. Especially a very large and pronounced belly shape. A humorous tone slightly related to the parasitic nature of a fetus upon it's mother.

It was quite apparent from the size of her huge gut monkey that she was easily 8 or 9 months into her pregnancy.

by thechurchfodave September 20, 2011


Can't be featured.

Such as a person who is too controversial to be featured on youtube.com.

thechurchofdave on youtube is unfeatureable since no one in their right mind is going to risk annoying sponsors by putting HIM up on the front page and saying "Hey look at THIS guy!"

by thechurchfodave July 18, 2009


Any automated system for auto adding friendships on social networking sites. Or a person who simply friends people he or she doesn't know for the sole purpose of increasing the size of the friends list.

thechurchofdave youtube channel finally stopped using the friends list because most requests are just coming from a spamfriender belonging to some get rich quick numbtard.

by thechurchfodave December 15, 2010


HTML code to denote the end of a sarcastic statement.


I use sarcasticode as often as I breathe </Sarcasm>

by thechurchfodave February 26, 2022