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Reference to people with no class or minimal values in latin languages, particularly trailer park residents and those with violent tendencies or drug habits but also limited fashion sense. It remains to be seen if the term is a part of racist or hate language.

Street slang for drugs purchased in powder form.

Dont listen to that jive, thats the basura in her comin out.

The club was crawlin with basura that night.

by thee radical eclectic August 16, 2006

77πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž


v. A way of handling a situation you dont like or cant get out of as a means of taking personal dignity and revenge. This term may have originated at race tracks where grooms hot walk race horses and relations still delineate power in a trickle down theory on a racial and sexual basis; given human nature its likely that the method existed long before the term came into being.

You better quit that slow-walkin and get yer ass over here.

My boss is tryin to kill me with this shit so Im gonna slow-walk his shit all day long and cool my heels with some down time.

I'ma slow walk you round the bend on this one cause I really dont think you ready for what I gotta say.

by thee radical eclectic August 17, 2006

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


see splendiferous for medical condition associated with fashion models, drag queens, fashion industry tennants and other who aspire to manipulate their body type as a part of going to great lengths to achieve and maintain up-tempo lifestyles by means of exteme dieting and slender appearance. splenda + ferrous

The gala event was certainly splendeferous with its host of celebrities and fifth avenue elite.

by thee radical eclectic September 6, 2006

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

low down

n. The actual dirt or details that comprise a complex situation which is usually passed on from a first hand participant in the ongoing 'drama.' Sometimes this phrase references the prior details of a scenario such as background connections which expose real motive or the base common denominator that the average person may not know.

Lemme give you the low down on dupont chemicals and the situation in bophal india.

She hooked me up with the low down on why they meet up after work everynight and now I see that its all business.

by thee radical eclectic August 17, 2006

159πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž


a female who is second or third generation counter culture to the degree of rejecting the majority of societies norms

pronounced rootsradeeka

Dat rootsradica dun sussed da whola dem crowd and stepped on...

by thee radical eclectic June 7, 2007

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


1. A ronin or warrior mostly found in viking and some slavic cultures who pledge allegience to no master and with nothing left to loose but life itself which is often the test of their sanity and strength once the battle is done.

2. Anyone who goes balls out and gets completely lost in the moment like a maniac on a destroying mission. They are likely to damage themselves or things they should care about in the process of total destruction.

3. Anyone exhibiting insane fury and reckless savagery.

4. Dischordian element in the creative process which acts rapidly and takes no prisoners.

A beserker might be heard saying something like "Kill 'em all and let god sort 'em out."

I went berserker on his ass and I think he got the point.

We set loose the berserkers to clear the field before we sent out the couriers.

by thee radical eclectic August 16, 2006

19πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


A bothersome person who might be considered of little consequence but will simply add to a fucked up day... sorta like a didget only less than countable where meaning counts.

The word can be considered a mispronounced form of idiot.

Who the fuck did he think he was...what an idget!

by thee radical eclectic August 29, 2006

110πŸ‘ 98πŸ‘Ž