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"Metafucker", derived from the term "Meta" (meaning: Most Effective Tactic Available), is a player in an mmo who focuses too much on what is the "best" tactic or build to use in a game so much to the point where they are willing to drop their pants and fuck it. They are usually elitists who want to be the most over powered players while simultaneously looking down on those who go for different tactics or builds, even if they are just as good.

Metafucker: "This new set that just got released last patch is the new meta."
Player: "Yeah it looks nice but my current set is just as good."
Metafucker: "Lmao, no it's not you stupid retard. This is the new best set, keep up."
Player: "K. Metafucker."

by thefedupgirl June 11, 2019