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Bridgeport, CT

A city that's among the world leaders in abandoned buildings, shattered glass, boarded-up windows, wild dogs, and gas stations without pumps.

Stewie Griffin: This doesn't look like Santa's Workshop, it looks like Bridgeport, CT!

Brian Griffin: Oh boy, here come the letters!

by thegreatrock May 12, 2011

131πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž



To hide contraband, such as drugs, stolen objects, food, or any other things that may be forbidden in a certain place, in one's anus to prevent said contraband from being discovered.

Takes its name from the scene in the film Pulp Fiction where Bruce Willis's character remembers Christopher Walken's character presenting him with his late father's watch which Walken admits he hid in his ass while a POW.

Fat Camper 1: I can't believe you got the candy! How were you able to hide it from the counselors?
Fat Camper 2: I had to Walken it!

by thegreatrock June 16, 2011

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Randy Newman

An influential singer-songwriter who is best known for writing the soundtracks for numerous films, including Ragtime, the Meet the Parents trilogy, and numerous Disney films. He has frequently been lampooned by shows such as Mad TV and Family Guy due to his physically awkward appearance, "goofy-sounding" singing voice, and the homogeneous sound of his music. Many people underestimate his talent particularly as a result of the third reason he is so widely parodied in the media. However, many of these same people have probably never paid any attention to the lyrics of his songs, which are incredibly profound and greatly overshadow the relative simplicity of his musical skills.

Randy Newman is not unlike Bob Dylan. He's not a great singer, musician, nor is he particularly good-looking. However, he is a lyrical genius who can touch on some of the deepest human emotions as well as incorporate deep social commentary.

by thegreatrock February 25, 2012

16πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

de Blasio

When a heterosexual male gets sexually and/or romantically involved with a lesbian/gay woman. Derives from New York City mayor-elect Bill de Blasio, whose wife is a lesbian.

Jay: Dude, I pulled a de blasio last night

by thegreatrock December 18, 2013

45πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Chuck Berry

The REAL King of Rock and Roll who was only out-trumped by Elvis for being black.

Naive rocker: Wow, Elvis is so awesome!!!!
Expert rocker: You think Elvis was awesome? Just listen to Chuck Berry!

by thegreatrock April 11, 2010

158πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž

Chuck Norris

1) A guy who everybody thinks is badass but is in reality a total pansy.

2) Despite being a big, burly guy, but killed by the comparatively scrawny Bruce Lee

3) Thinks that Barack Obama is not eligible to be President because he wasn't born in the U.S., despite the fact that thorough investigations have proven otherwise and that his mother was a U.S. citizen, making Obama a U.S. citizen by birth.

4) Endorsed Mike Huckabee, aka the GOP's answer to Jimmy Carter for President in '08

1) Joe: Chuck Norris' tears can cure cancer. Too bad he never cries.

Bob: You're wrong on both counts.

2) Bruce Lee: I KILL CHUCK NORRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3) Chuck Norris: Barack Obama was born in Kenya, and therefore can't be president.

Constitutional Expert: Contrary to popular belief, one doesn't have to be born in the United States to be eligible for the Presidency, only a citizen by birth. Even if he was born in Kenya, his mother was a U.S. citizen, making him one by birth.

4) Chuck Norris: Hi I'm Chuck Norris, and I'd like you to vote for Mike Huckabee for President in 2008.

Intellectual: If Mike Huckabee's our next president, we're screwed.

by thegreatrock February 16, 2010

6419πŸ‘ 408πŸ‘Ž

Seth Rogen

The act of throwing and breaking a glass device used for smoking marijuana, such as a bong, pipe, or bubbler, on the ground upon hearing or seeing police so as to prevent incarceration.

Takes its name from the scene in the film "Knocked Up" when Seth Rogen's character smashes his bong on the ground when he sees police cars driving in his direction.

Smoke buddy 1: Hey, what happened to your bong?
Smoke buddy 2: I had to Seth Rogen it.

by thegreatrock March 28, 2011

32πŸ‘ 379πŸ‘Ž