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Adolf Hitler

A few things about Adolf that people (mostly gypsygal) have entirely wrong:

* Chancellor of Germany 1933-45

* Hitler did indeed order the invasion of Russia in 1941 the directive was known as "Operation Barbarossa"

* Hitler's personal attorney Hans Frank, who was also Governor-General of Poland, was acquisitioned with the task of investigating a possible Jewish lineage in Hitler's family history. After extensive research Frank concluded that the reality of Hitler having Jewish blood was incredibly remote, but a, possibility. Historians believe that Frank found something substantial, but disregarded it for his own personal safety.

* He committed suicide on April 30th, 1945 by a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head and ingestion of potassium cyanide.

* The Axis included: Italy, Japan and Germany among other nations and territories

* Auschwitz-Birkeneau was notorious for its mass killings and high numbers. The former commandant Rudolf Hoess claimed there were as many as 2.5 million people who perished, but evidence indicates that 1.1million is an accurate estimation.

Adolf Hitler

by thehardtruth January 26, 2010

105👍 122👎