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the wrongfull supposed ownership of a bus!!!

"naw!! its Mabus!!!!"

"seriously man! gonna leave mabus alone?!"

by thelazygeko May 28, 2004

47👍 75👎

Ear Sex

aye.....pretty self explanitory

"fuck! didnae hear that coming!"

by thelazygeko May 26, 2004

81👍 139👎


the place that only dreamers and stoners can find!!...

but beware all yee trespassers!! for there are many dangers to be found within the means streets of narnia! the narnia bronx!! where black magic magic and puppy killing takes place!!

"hellooooo im Mr Tomnuss.....aaaarggh askjhdkufh kwucbucq iydcgq liedycg oranges in the spring time!!! "

"huh huh! check out the knarly old goat dude!!"

seriously man, all the gays must be getting banished from narnia...where else are soo many people to be found in the closet?!?"

by thelazygeko May 26, 2004

16👍 61👎

Cactus Smuggler

he whom loves his plants a bit rought round the edges...

and filled with yummy liquid!

"cactus smuggling? what are yeh? a prick?!?!"

by thelazygeko May 26, 2004

6👍 21👎