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A person who is totally obsessed with Edward Cullen from Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. They worship him and his sexiness. This word was made up in relation to the song "Womanizer" by Britney Spears. The first National Cullenizer Day is on Monday, December 8th. Cullenizer can also be a nickname for someone who thinks Edward is particularily yummy.

Mariah is a Cullenizer!

by thelimegreenmachine December 4, 2008

16👍 5👎


A person who is a creeper and will literally murder you with his/her rake that he/she always has with them. But just so you know, rakists are awesome. Sometimes, rakist is a weird way of calling someone amazing, and people will fight over who is the most rakist-ish.

Jesse is not a rakist, however Shayla is.

by thelimegreenmachine December 4, 2008

11👍 5👎