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Teddy SJ lumpy

Teddy SJ is quite the character he absolutely reeks of body odor and crap if you walk past him a sensation of Body oder will surround you. Teddy also fucks so often his dick is hanging on by a thread that could snap any minute.
Teddy is also a demon man spreader he will push you away allowing the scent of his severed genitals to spread across the room.

Henry known: have you seen Teddy SJ lumpy today
Nugget: no and i hope i don't he sends a wave of diarrhea across the room

by thenutoriusnignog February 6, 2023

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Alex Smith

Alex smith is a nice guy when your with him alone but he teds to switch up when around a group of people. Alex smith also invites people to his house so he can be invited to their gatherings

John "yo did you see Alex Smith today"
Jim "no i figured he was using me"

by thenutoriusnignog January 24, 2022