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Roblox Myth

The scary side of Roblox, these type of community are people cosplaying as a scary person, or has a scary or traumatic past backstory. This community became popular mainly because of Flamingo. Becoming a Myth is especially hard, you need to know building, and scripting. Or if you have money, you could just hire a person to do that.

Roblox Myth: Wanna join my game?
Me: omg yes!!

by theopathic June 9, 2024

Valk Helm

A Roblox item which most ROBLOX Influencers, or youtubers use. Such as the Ice Valkyrie and the Emerald one..

A: Yo, I got the Valk Helm.
B: That's such an overrated item..

by theopathic April 2, 2024

Roblox MRS

Your average 12 year olds behind the screen.

I just don't get the fact that you have to work NON-STOP just to get a "Management" Rank, and moderator powers, these people are retarded.

Roblox MRS: hi, how r u!
Me: *the whole time thinking they were held at gunpoint to speak in perfect grammar*

by theopathic June 9, 2024