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A nerdy bookworm that can wander through MBTI personalities and loses herself into Astrology to help define and find herself, plays the hipster card to a level of being a "white girl at Starbucks", and also can fall deep into the love of everything stimulating to the brain and to the literary heart. Also is quite the flustered bean, can laugh when being roasted, and knows she wants something, but sometimes may not know what.

She may not know where she wants to go, will find every interest under the sun to help guide her in a sense of a career, and even strive to leave the town she had to live in to explore the world and seek the adventure she could only read in stories and novels. However, she will find her way and will excel at it without really realizing it. And, while she may be hard to talk to in some aspects, would party from a distance, prefer stargazing and observing the city perched from her safe spot, and rather focus on the work she has and the goals she strives for, she is the person that could be the cause of several works of poetry, a book series, and a legend that could transcend time, even if she may never know it.

If you ever have an Arlette, treasure that bond, the moments that are presented to you, and treat that fiery soul as the royalty she is. She may not know, or she may seem unresponsive, but she is immensely an amazing soul to share this marble with and is someone to be yourself with.

Man, Arlette is quite the amazing person!

by thepoetryofthenorthstar January 22, 2022