1) a respectable, hard working prostitute who has criss crossed the globe up and down in her professional pursuits
2) An unkempt adventurer
3) That guy who stares you down when you refuse to hitchhike with him
4) A wonderfully misheard record player name
(1) - "Hey Charlie, see that chick doing a vertical split in the air?"
- "That's one CRUSTY CRUISER, I'm too impressed to be turned on though."
(2) Been cruisin' so much I haven't showered in weeks, I'm crustier than a cheese pizza! None of the goats seem to mid though.
(3) No Balthazar! Im not going to Valencia with you, your white van smells of chloroform and old socks. Now stop touching my camel!
(4) I aint speldin 100$ on a crusty ass cruiser 99.99? + Shipping handling an tax my ass? Get the fuck outta here man!!!