Chrissha's are very uncommon, not only their one of a kind personality but also their NAME. Usually if your name is Chrissha your parents couldnt decide on Chris or Trissha so they fit them together, and if thats the case well you have a great name! Chrisshas are very loving, but can be stubborn and think they are right most of the time, they are typically the smartest person you will know, and the sassiest.
"Whos that person over there arguing with that guy?"
Oh thats Chrissha, shes perfect.
Taylor is a very fun, sporty, and kind individual, If you know a Taylor they are typically shy or "shady" around someone they dont know. Most Taylors are big fans of Soccer/Football. But once you meet a Taylor and get to know them you will be the best of the best friends because she is capable of making things super hilarious as well as caring for you at the same time.
"Who is that over there??"
Oh thats just the best person you could ever be friends with, Taylor.