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a sport that where it may be fun for those who are the coaches favorite but if your not you can give the fuck up. your coach might be a total bitch and play favorites putting girls she likes on competition teams as opposed to girls who have given up so much and dedicated so much time to her goddamn team, so be wary of your decision to try out. you may be the one who has to go home and cry every night.

"okay girls !make sure you come to kickline practice on time! and work hard!
...except for you few....you can sit out and do nothing as long as you want and i will still put you on every competition team!"

"BUT YOU! YOU DONT DO ANYTHING WRONG! EVER! because i wont! i repeat wont! sugarcoat your critique like i will for (fill in name here)! and i will also batter you to a pulp with comments so you go home and cry after kickline practice....oh but i think i am being realllllly fair and honest"

by thevictimofthegame2 October 11, 2009

37👍 27👎