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1. A once funny saying used so many times, that it loses any resemblence to an amusing statement.

2. The actual statement that is increadibly stupid in a vain effort to be funny.

3. A comeback to an insult that reaks of stupidity and is far from getting the job done.

4. Can be loosly defined as anything that is spoken/typed online that is extrodinarily stupid.

Guy 1: Hey faggot i hate you
Guy 2: oh yeah...well...shut up...faggot..i hate you..
Guy 3: you're a moron, that's a Zimmerism right there

by thisblows7504 April 10, 2006

10👍 10👎


1. A once funny saying used so many times, that it loses any resemblence to an amusing statement.

2. The actual statement that is increadibly stupid in a vain effort to be funny.

3. A comeback to an insult that reaks of stupidity AKA a crappy ass comeback.

4. Can be loosly defined as anything that is spoken/typed online that is extrodinarily stupid.

Guy 1: Hey faggot i hate you
Guy 2: oh yeah...well shut up...fagg
Guy 3: dude that's a Zimmerism

by thisblows7504 March 17, 2006

8👍 11👎

To Pull A Zimmer

1. Saying something stupid or the action of doing something stupid in a vain attempt to be funny.

2. To embarrass ones friends by saying something stupid or the action of doing something stupid in a vain attempt to be funny.

3. The Act of a Zimmerism.

To Pull A Zimmer:

Friend 1: Yeah so I gotta do a 20 paige report on freaking penguins
Chick: aww that sucks
Friend 2: Dude once when I lived in Canada i kicked a penguin in the nuts hahahaha
Chick: Wow...ummm...*leaves*
Friend 1: Omg...you idiot...you just pulled a zimmer!! *proceedes to beat down friend 2's ass*

by thisblows7504 March 17, 2006

6👍 4👎