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A dick-tator is a person who has a deluded sense of self worth. Usually inflicts emotional abuse upon others because of his small penis complex.

How to Identify a dick-tator-
•Extremely unattractive
•Hoards blackmail material and/or possessions of others to manipulate
•Small penis
•Deluded sense of wealth

If not treated, severe skin diseases and/or a a mental breakdown could occur. Although there are many treatments out there, the most common and effective treatment is to remove ones head from his ass. If symptoms persist. Lethal action must be taken.

Said dick-tator: Wow, I'm so sexy, rich and fabulous, rub my nipples.

Victim: No, please I might vomit...

Said dick-tator: If you dont I shall use my large wad of monopoly money to ruin your life.

Victim: I wish he wouldn't dick-tate my life.

by thisismyhahaha January 2, 2014

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