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gay agenda

There are two definitions for the gay agenda:

1. (the incorrect one):
The gay agenda is commonly referred to by conservatives and Christians as homosexuals' general set of goals:
- Make everyone gay.
- Bring about general demoralization of society.
- Break down the family unit.

There are other goals according to those who accept this definition to be true, but these are the ones most often heard.

2. (the correct one):
-Promote equality and tolerance for everyone (including, but not limited to equal marriage rights): gay, straight, black, white, whatever. Period.

1. Those gays always want to get into our schools and our politics so they can promote their gay agenda.

2. Someone who accepts the second definition probably would not use the term gay agenda, unless talking about how it is used incorrectly.

by through_the_looking_glass February 5, 2010

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