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Dustin will be the love of your life. He’s funny, goofy, reserved, and yet outgoing. He isn’t afraid to laugh at himself or call you on the phone. He also has a soothing voice. He’s shorter than most people- hence his nickname “Hobbit”, but he’s sexy, scruffy and you’ll want to touch his butt. Dustin likes to cuddle, so if you’re ever on a road trip, make sure you share a bed. He’s also very creative. He won’t tell you how he feels about you, but he knows how to make you feel better.. just by being with him. My favorite things about Dustin are how well he gets along with everyone. It’s almost as if you’re his best friend as soon as you meet him, and I also love that he doesn’t judge you. He’s be there with you to try new things and enjoy life, and even if you’re an idiot or miss him sometimes and lose your cool, he doesn’t hold it against you. He also has an absolute perfect penis. He deserves the best things, makes the best friend, and even though it can he hard to keep your feelings to yourself, he still makes you melt. If you find a Dustin, don’t take forever to tell him how much you love him… but find your own Dustin, ‘cause this one is mine. Seriously, I’ll fuck you up.

Partner: I love you, Nutsack.
Dustin: Ghey.
Partner: For you, always.

by thumpaio April 5, 2024