Useful comeback for when somebody says something that irritates you
^ Dude, that phony charm routine you use on don't work anymore
> Yeah, just like your dick
^ Hey!
Mocking locution combining two of Joe Biden's favorite rhetorical expressions
Usually uttered immediately after the telling of an obvious falsehood
Back in the 90's I had sex one night with the entire cast of the "Seinfeld" show. Including Kramer
Not a joke. On my word as a Biden
He's the guy with the impeccable timing
^ Teacher turned her back for like three seconds, and that's all I needed to copy every answer off nerdboy's exam sheet
> Dude! You're a regular Johnny-on-the-Spot
^ Fuckin' A!
An acronym
It stands for "Overthrow The Orange Hitler"
It's what House and Senate Democrats in Washington tried to do every day for four years (January 2017 to January 2021)
legislative aide: Any special orders today, boss?
nancy pelosi: No. The usual OTOH. Just keep focusing on that, okay?
legislative aide: Ummm, sure, but Trump has been out of the White House for months, ma'am
nancy pelosi: Oh, shit! I keep forgetting. Never mind then. Just go fetch me my morning coffee please...
25👍 7👎
What a dude says moments after accidentally telling the gal he's been sleeping with that he loves her
^ *whispering* Love you s-o-o-o much...mmmm
> Really? *smooch smooch smooch* I love you too, baby! When are we getting married?
^ Huh? NO! I was talking to your tits!
The opposite of "no offense"
It's what you say right before insulting somebody to let him know your insult is intentional and that you mean every word of it too
^ No offense, but you support racist immigration policies, and I don't respect that
> Yeah, well, offense intended: I screw your Salvadoran girlfriend behind your back, and she loves it. So take that, you cuckolded little B
^ Hey, what the hell!
Lame excuse often used to rationalize why somebody's life went in a bad direction
Hangin' out with the wrong people, my ass! You ARE the "wrong people", fool. Wise the hell up!