God, and exists in the form of six coeternal and consubstantial persons:
1. The dragon (Lucifer and Satan)
2. The father (DILF)
3. The son (Jesus Christ)
4. The false prophet copier (which duplicates Jesus, e.g., Elymas Bar-Jesus)
5. The beast (Antichrist, or the inverse element of Jesus)
6. The holy spirit (the sex toy impregnating Mary)
Priest: *prays*
Have mercy upon us. O sexy, and eternal Sexternity, one God.
A quasi-hippie brand. Yet its NPO, Happy Hippie Foundation, is awesome. Good for youth-homelessness.
Smiley Miley twerks, smiles and do philanthropy. She made my day.
The female vagina equivalent of John Thomas (male penis).
darling, come and visit my homegirl Kitty Frances
The buttocks equivalent of John Thomas (male penis).
Alex Rump my homie, I got your back (pun intended)!
The buttocks/anus equivalent of John Thomas (male penis).
Alex Bumpus my homie, I got your back (pun intended)!