Source Code


When a person passes gas, for them as well as those around them, to dart in rapid succession away from the stench.

When he farted, we all had to serpentine.

"Carl, serpentine!"

by toee May 18, 2008

28πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž

pencil line moustache

A very thin moustache that resembles a pencil line. It is shaved to look this way as very few people have thin enough facial hair to grow one naturally. Sometimes even it can be drawn on.

Might I also add it is very erotic and retro to have one.

John Waters is a person who usually sports a pencil line moustache.

by toee August 31, 2006

11πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A band from the suburbs of Philly that wasn't so much a band as a predecessor to the equally doomed band Yaoi and the eventual solo act Apocalyptic Betty.

Was formed by two high school freshman who eventual gave up due to artistic differences. Later, Yaoi was formed by one of the two.

NiMb.ie stems from the actual organization nimby, with whom the band liked the name of. NiMb.ie stands for "Not In My Bedroom. Ideally Ever" It is just nonesense for using the acronym NiMb.ie

NiMb.ie sucked, but it's too bad they never had a chance.

by toee December 2, 2006

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Hearts for eyes. Used as an emoticon. It shows when you are so in love with someone your eyes light up in the shape of hearts.

c00l e 0 : He's soooooo sexii.
c00l e 0 : <3_<3 , lolz

by toee September 21, 2006

52πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


The opposite of being pantsed or shanked - instead of pulling one's pants down, it's when someone goes and either pulls up or rips one's shirt off.

I was minding my own business when some guy came up and tanked me!

by toee November 14, 2008

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Ryuhei Matsuda

One of the sexiest stars from out of Japan. Ryuhei was born in 1983 to the equally famous Yusaku and Miyuki Matsuda. Since then he has gone on to become an actor and model in Japan, but his popularity is spreading. He doesn't speak english, is 6', and took his first acting role at the age of 15.

Omg...Ryuhei Matsuda is so freaking sexy.

by toee April 12, 2006

37πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

the Panda song

Originally from Sifl and Ollie, it is a song about, well, pandas. There is an online video of it.

Here's famous lyrics -

"The pandas are coming, they'll rip your ass to shreds!"
"What kind of camoflage is this? Black and white? Hiding in an oreo factory maybe?"

That's the Panda song.

by toee August 29, 2006

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