A conspiracy theorist or pseudoscience peddler, and, in British usage, someone who is also on the far left.
Originally it was a political epithet used against the radical left by conservative politicians in the UK. It comes from a corruption of George Monbiot's last name, a radical British political figure. As it crossed the Atlantic, it became less political and more tied to remnants of the hippie counterculture, particularly the new age movement. So if someone says moonbat in the Queen's English they're likely a Tory, regardless of age. If they're American or Canadian, they're either a skeptic of any political affiliation or an aging conservative.
BrE: "Pay no attention to the failures of austerity; Grenfell was the fault of Labour moonbats!"
AmE: "If you believe that the government is trying to control the weather with chemtrails, you're clearly a moonbat."