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Simpson Hall

A dorm located on Redstone Campus at the University of Vermont. Known for their extreme ragers that occur every weekend and sometimes on Wasted Wednesdays and Thirsty Thursdays. It is a common destination for the cops, especially when floors 4 and 5 get a little too rowdy. Floor 3 is known as a retirement home, whereas floor 4 is known as the crack house and floor 5 is one step down from Vegas. With only three floors, all residents are pretty familiar with each other, which can lead to major beef between them. Although this may be true, in the end, they are all in this together whether they like it or not.

Wellness resident: Where do you live on campus.

Simpson resident: I live in Simpson Hall.

Wellness resident: NO WAY! Is there anything going on tonight?

Simpson resident: Well it is Thursday ;)

by tooaverageBOB October 23, 2018