Grayson where do i start grayson is a very handso... wait sorry wrong guy. Grayson is a fat fuck. Grayson likes to waddle to the fridge to look for food because he is always thinking of his stomach. He says that he is big boned but he is lying he is just fat and no no no it is not just Christmas plump. Grayson thinks he gets the ladies but instead the ladies run away in tears because one first look at his face and they are scarred for life. Grayson attracts the autties, most likely because he is one himself. If you ever happen to run into a grayson either cover eyes and interact or run for hills before he tries to slip his hand down your pants, ladies and gents.
"Holy fuck, what is that ugly fat ass mother fucking Shrek faced gross nugly cunt looking at me?''
Wait never mind that's just Grayson.
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