In a world devastated by liberal-bourgeois materialist values, a group of aristocrats will rise up to safeguard their people through a provisional state (mutatis mutandis) replacing Liberal Democracy, reestablishing the authority and order of organic society. Fine arts, spirituality, moral values, high culture, honor, virtue, the intrinsic value of work, discipline, full human ontological development (moral, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and physical) will be reborn.
The aristocratic state will combat chaos through the becoming of the cosmos.
In a time of chaos, corruption and decadence, a group of aristocrats appears who, indignant with the unfolding of Liberal Democracy, rise to power and challenge the status quo. The tripartition of power, the state bureaucracy and the current constitution are dissolved, and replaced by aristocrats through a provisional state. The usurious and corrupt political and economic class are penalized and the regeneration of society begins. High culture, fine arts, refinement, virtue, freedom, moral values, spirituality, tradition, the intrinsic value of work, discipline and hierarchy are restored. Last but not least, spurious modern and bourgeois ideologies are constantly being fought: economic liberalism and cultural liberalism (progressivism), fascism, socialism/communism, liberal conservatism/oligarchy, anarchy, populism, constitutional monarchy and democracy.
The aristocratic restoration is the epic battle between light and darkness.
In a world devastated by liberal-bourgeois materialist values, absurd and nihilist, a group of aristocrats will rise up to safeguard their people through a provisional state (mutatis mutandis) replacing Liberal Democracy, reestablishing the authority and order of organic society. Fine arts, spirituality, moral values, high culture, honor, virtue, the intrinsic value of work, discipline, full human ontological development (moral, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and physical) will be revived.
The aristocratic restoration will defeat the chaos of the status quo and the beauty of the cosmos will become.
Someone who does not accept the status quo, aiming for an organic state without the current bourgeois evils:
democracy, capitalism, liberalism, socialism, communism, fascism, nationalism, populism, progressivism, feminism, globalization, market technology, racism, left-right wing dichotomy, economism, organized religions, ecumenism, materialism, gay rights, statism, republicanism, atheism, human rights, totalitarianism, consumerism, humanism, modernism, abortion, international financial system and technocracy.
The nonconformist-aristocrat wants at all costs to prevent the decline of the world.
One that opposes the prevailing status quo and the decline of modern society. Similar to Friedrich Nietzsche's concept of übermensch, it is able to give itself a higher transcendental inner law.
It is against the Modern State and the Bourgeois Liberal State and its consecutive evils: Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Liberalism, Freemasonry, Totalitarianism, Positivism, Enlightenment, Fascism, Humanism, Renaissance, French Revolution Modernism, Anthropocentrism, Capitalism, Materialism, Feminism, LGBT rights, Republicanism, Representative Democracy, Liberal Democracy, Progressivism, Mass Media, Militant Atheism, Anti-Left/Right Dichotomy, Cosmopolitanism, Consumerism, Human Rights, Technocracy, Organized Religions, Globalization and Abortion. He is skeptical of technology, organized religions and the economy.
The rebel-aristocrat is truly a superior metaphysical type of man, heroic, intellectual and, above all, spiritually noble.
After the French Revolution and consequent dissolution of monarchies and establishment of republics, liberal-bourgeois democracy took over the world. Only a few men remained awake for the chaos to come. This group of men shall restore the high values lost in a world in dissolution. However, it is necessary to know how to use the flaws of the current system to do so. The revolution must come mainly from the cultural aspect, as the fight against the forces of evil can be ineffective due to the difference in hegemonic military and economic power. It is necessary to rescue traditional values using modern means for a great restorative alliance. Among its premises are: patriotism, national unity, military power, order, discipline, struggle for
survival, infiltration in influential circles, intellectual preparation to overthrow the Liberal and Marxist fallacies, the rescue of the real value of work, the affirmation of existence and the transcendent spirit.
Authoritarian aristocracy is the transcendence of the highest souls.