When the President is giving a speech and farts.
Did you catch the inaugural speech? If you turn up your volume, you can hear him rip an Abraham Stinkler right when he was sworn in.
Portmanteau of Humorous + Arouse
1. characterized by humor and sexiness; exciting and funny; stimulating and comical:
a humarouse joke.
2. having or showing the faculty of humor and horniness:
a humarouse person.
1. to stimulate both comically and sexually:
to humarouse someone by telling a dirty joke
Other words from humarouse:
Humarousal (noun)
1. The state of being simultaneous sexually stimulated and captivated with a humorous situation
1. Films like Austin Powers, American Pie, and Eurotrip all find a way to be both sexy and hilarious; they're quite humarouse.
2. I find that comedian humarouse; they're both attractive and funny
1. I'm gonna tell a dirty joke to humarouse you.
Lustful or sexually excited while unpleasant in disposition or temper.
Turned on and angry at the same time.
1. I'm hornery because I'm frustrated that I can't have sex
2. I shouldn't be aroused by that. That makes me hornery
3. After today's clusterfuck I feel so hornery, and going to take out my anger through sex/masturbation. (see: rage fap, rage fuck)