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Usually refers to any style of (usually) tight-fitting cotton shirts primarily worn by men as undershirts. Any of the types of white t-shirt or tank top that you can usually find sold in packages by the men's underwear can be classfied as a wifebeater.

While the "wifebeater" is worn primarily by men -- and presumably got the name because it is most often depicted as being worn as outerwear by men who beat their wives -- lots of women have taken to wearing them too. This is particularly true in the case of the cotton ribbed tank top, which can now be found sold as outerwear for women as well as men, and which can also be found in several other colors besides white.

Yuck ... see that dude in the wifebeater over there? His chest hair is, like, sticking out all over the place!

by trish June 27, 2009

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Goart is the new "gratz"

Woah youre lvl 50 GOARTS!

by trish November 10, 2004

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


a chronic, involuntary ailment that is usually a symptom of fatigue, cranks, or Aids.

as in "but if I had singultus, no one would care"

by trish January 10, 2003


a distressing, chronic ailment than can cause fatigue, depression, or suicidal tendencies.

as in "but, if I had singultus, no one would care"

by trish January 10, 2003


money, expensive shit

"sorry man, cant go to movies tonight, lack of moola"

by trish April 21, 2003

469πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž


From the combination of "hypocrite" (one who does not practice what they preach) and "Christian".

A Hypochristian is a person who claims to be an upstanding "moral" Christian, but passes all sorts of judgment on anyone who doesn't think EXACTLY like they do.

My family is a bunch of Hypochristians; they nearly disowned me when I chose to come out to them.

by trish November 10, 2004

83πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Hot and/or sexy. See Peaseblossomkiss on Furcadia.

Pizzle is teh hawt of all hawtness.

by trish March 15, 2005

70πŸ‘ 121πŸ‘Ž