Hardcore dancing is something that gets confused with scene dancing alot. Pretty much everybody here described HC dancing as what scene dancing is: Pussy scene kids trying to hardcore mosh. I don't blame anyone for thinking its lame and weak as shit.
Hardcore dancing barely consists of "kicks and punches". It is a style of mosh done while a hardcore band is playing there set. It is all about maximum energy output. If you saw real HC dancing, you would not call it pussy.
This is how it works:
1. The band starts playing a song on the stage.
2. People line up perpendicular to the stage (on each end).
3. They start charging at each other and provoking others around then to join in.
4. The walk/run across the floor is done with alot of agressivness. There are some moves done here such as whiping your arms behind your back, sliding your feet around, busting out, stretching forward then retracting immediatly, etc.
5. The song gets going. A fast beat is playing, and there is some slight mosh going on. Then the song really gets going and the stage dives begin. There are pile up, sing alongs, varieties of jumps.
6. Then there is a breakdown in the song. Everyone stops and start two steppin. It gets heavier and there is more agressive two steppin, and also some stage steppin.
8. Back to the fast part.
9. Now it's time for the throwdown. This is what scene kids try to copy but end up doing it pussy style. It's like a breakdown but alot heavier. People tend to get low and sing their arms in beat to the song. If you saw a real throwdown you would never mention pussy around hardcore again.
Then is more random 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, etc. throughout the set. There are definalty alot of HC dance moves, but none of which are pussy.
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