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meth and a half

dimorian johnson

dimorian: puts a hotdog on top of the bread instead of in the bread
me: that’s meth and a half

by trysaratops October 12, 2022


“there’s no word in the english language that rhymes with month”

yes there is. it’s cunth.

cunt of the month.

“cunth, cunt of the month.”

by trysaratops August 2, 2023

yung gravy

yung gravy, also known as Sam Dirsten.

is a person who always goes for older women.

yung gravy.

by trysaratops August 3, 2023


a very special person who is mentally physically not there and needs help with daily activities and can’t afford anything

I can’t do up my pant Zipper can you help me out?
of course rife i’ll do up your zipper

by trysaratops March 31, 2024

father daddy

chevy avalanche 2005

we fucked it up. rip father daddy.

engine seized


“rip father daddy, you will be missed.”


by trysaratops September 1, 2023