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guns guns guns

Originally used by pilots to alert their wingmen/AWACs that they are in dogfight range and firing their cannon as opposed to their longer-ranged missiles.

Used by young adult males to alert their wingmen that they are breaking away to engage a target female at close range.

John: KAKOW! Hotties at 11 O'Clock... I got the one with the weater hogs...

Jack: When? What the hell are you talking about?!

John: Guns guns guns!

Jack: Dude, where the hell are you going?

by tunnelr@ February 15, 2010

50👍 7👎

fat kid diabetes

Slang for self-induced type 2 diabetes.

Generally caused by drinking a gallon or so of soda per day, shunning vegetables, scarfing down fast food, donuts, candy, and topping it all off with a habit of sitting on ones ass 99% of the time.

Bill: Dude, Big Fat Dan went to the doctor, and guess what?

Jerry: Fat kid diabetes?

Bill: Yes. A SHOCKER, no?

Jerry: Indeed.

by tunnelr@ July 3, 2008

24👍 6👎

Irish Denny's

Irish Denny's is a nickname for Bennigan's Grill and Tavern.

Made famous by: benniganslincoln.ytmnd.com/

Dude, let's hit up Irish Denny's.

Irish Denny's gave me the green apple splatters.

by tunnelr@ July 31, 2008

1👍 132👎


ShartCon is a condition that is much like the DEFCON system used by the Department of Defense.

A ShartCon Alert is declared for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to:

Abdominal pain combined with mild nausea and vile gurgling from the stomach.

The 24-48 hours following a drinking binge.

During flu-like symptoms, as well as while on some antibiotics.

For at least 4 hours immediately following a confirmed assblast.

When a ShartCon Alert is declared, a severity level is assigned in descending order of severity from 5 to 1. (A 5 is technically a "Shart Watch" level)

Each individual varies as to what level they are at under the given symptoms and circumstances, as well as the procedures for increasing or decreasing their ShartCon Levels. Criteria that are universal while in ShartCon levels 4 through 2 include the golden rule:

One must ALWAYS test fart. Remember the tried and true phrase "Don't want to Shart? TEST FART!". The lower the level, the more cautious the test fart. While under ShartCon 2, one must stay within striking distance of acceptable sit-down toilet facilities.

ShartCon 1, the most sever level, requires a strict adherence to the following:

You must remain in sphincter-lock until condition improves to at least FartCon 2. This means no test farts of any kind.

You must stay within 30 feet of OPEN toilet facilities.

If you must sleep in FartCon 1, you must make the necessary bed preparations (towels, wearing multiple pairs of expendable pants garments, etc).

Once you've successfully passed a non-Shart on the toilet, you may choose at that time to downgrade to SC 2.

BEWARE of the Fart & Sweat as this can lull you into a false sense of confidence and cause you to tragically downgrade while still very much at risk.

Rick: Dude, sliders at 4 AM after 5 pitchers of Stag? I am at ShartCon 3 for sure.

Jenny: Ooohhhh I don't know if that is feeling like just a fart or not...

Trisha: Girl, don't mess around. Go to ShartCon 5 right now.

by tunnelr@ October 29, 2008

3👍 2👎

making a Japanese flag

A much classier way of saying "on the rag", making a Japanese flag is the process of taking a white sanitary napkin and putting a big red blot in the middle of it.

Jacob: Dude, what crawled up Linda's ass today?

Robert: She's making a Japanese flag.

Jacob: Ohhhhhhhhhhh....

by tunnelr@ September 28, 2009

6👍 1👎