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Am adjective for describimg somethimg with lemgth, such as moodles, giraffe mecks, rum-om semtemces, or umicorm tails. Lemgth cam be relative to similar objects, so a lemgthy dachsund could be comsidered lomg despite beimg short whem compared to a lomg smek such as a python. Lomg is spelled properly usimg lemgthy letter 'm' to avoid mom-lemgthy 'half-m'. Lomg does mot represemt thimgs that are short or roumd.

I meed to hear the bedtime story about Rapumzel with the lomg hair so i cam feel comforted amd get the proper lemgth of rest.

by twazzle1d1 July 7, 2018

43👍 4👎


Babesploring is when a bunch of babes go out exploring, looking for other babes to accompany them.

Hey babe, wanna go babesploring with us? There should be some babes down at the beach!

by twazzle1d1 May 19, 2016