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Donald Trump

A low degenerate ass wipe with hair like moldy cotton candy and a face like a baboons ass. He is a racist son of a bitch with a superiority complex he puts him self high up on a ledge and says things and does things that just makes everyone take him as even more of a joke then we already did, and the only people that follow him are uneducated illiterate fucks who obviously don't give a damn about Americas future. He is a disgusting awful person who doesn't care about anyone or anything but him self it doesn't matter what anyone says even if it's his own family he is so wrapped up in his own little fantasy world that he doesn't realize that everyone in the world with a brain larger than a walnut and an attention spans that can last for than 10 seconds fucking hates him!!

Donald Trump is the worst thing that could ever happen to the America.
Adolf Hitler
Donald Drumph

by twigstar1818 March 14, 2016

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