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Melanie is perfect.
Everything about her is perfect.
Her hair is always perfect. She usually straightens it and at least 3 people ask to play with it every day.
it gets complimented by old ladies in the bathroom.
she's wicked pretty, not that tan but being pale-ish suits her.
she gets creeped on by creepy people and asked out by a lot of people that are weird but thats just because she's soo attractive.
she's so nice, loveable, and funny
anyone is lucky to be in the presense of melanie :D

"wow, that college guy is staring at that high school girl... again!!!"
"well obviously... she's a melanie!!!"

"whoaaaaa..... that girl is too pretty for words!! who is she?!"
"melanie... duh!!"

by twizzler1292 August 16, 2009

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